Endnotes:  Drift Seeds

1.     Gunn, Charles R. ,Dennis, J.V. and P.J.  Paradine. 1976.  World Guide to Tropical  Seeds and Fruits.  Quandrangle Times book Co. N.Y. N.Y.

2.     Mehra, K.L. Knodia, K.C. and Srivastava, R.N. 1975. Folk Uses of Plants for Adornment in India.  Economic Botany, 29:39-46

3.     Uphof, J.C.Th. 1968.  Dictionary of Economic Plants. Stechert-Hafner, N.Y.

4.     Emboden, William, 1976.  Narcotic Plants.  MacMillan Publishing Co. Inc. N.Y.

5.     Gunn, Charles R., Dennis J.V., and P.J. Paradine. 1976.  World Guide to Tropical Seeds and Fruits.

6.     Ibid.

7.     Cribb, A.B. & J.W. Cribb. 1982. Useful Wild Plants in Australia. Fontana/Collins. Sydney, Australia

8.     Dalziel, J.M. 1937. The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa.  Crown Agents for the Colonies. London. Crown Agents for the Colonies. London

9.     P.C. Legend accompanying souvenir

10.  Dalziel, J. M. 1937.   The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa.  Crown Agents for the Colonies.  Crown Agents for the Colonies.  London

11.  Ibid.